Saturday, December 18, 2010

What difference does Emmanuel make among Georgia Tech students? Part 2

Here is part two of a reflection on why we do what we do at Georgia Tech.

Emmanuel Compels Georgia Tech Students to Make a Difference

As we come to the time to celebrate Christmas, our hearts are full of joy in the beauty of God with us, our Emmanuel. What does this mean for the typical Georgia Tech student? Here are examples 6-12! (like the twelve days of Christmas)

6. For Anna, a senior psychology major, the beauty of God With Us means going to spend next year in Bosnia, a predominantly Muslim country where the people are in desperate need of the healing power of the Gospel of Christ.

Anna uses her musical gifts at Tech and in Bosnia.

7. For Matt, a 6th-year Management major, the beauty of Christ is compelling him to join staff with Campus Crusade for Christ so that he can go long-term to East Asia to share the good news of God’s love with atheist students who are longing for something to fill the emptiness in the hearts.

8. For Madeleine, a petite Physics senior and gifted Bible teacher, Emmanuel gives a passion to be an academic in the hard sciences, specifically so that she can speak of the truth and love of Jesus Christ into that community.

9. God With Us fills Chris, now a first-year grad student in Electrical Engineering, with an ability to pursue relationship with his lab-mates who hail from all over the world. He invites them to his iGroup, has conversations in the lab, and gets to know them so that he can share the beauties of Christ with them.
Chris, Daniel and friend on campus.

10. Across the board, the beauty of God with us gives hope to the typical Georgia Tech student that there is something more to this life than making good grades, so you can get a good job, so you can make a lot of money, so you can get a bigger house, nicer car, or cooler technology. The beauty of God with us lifts their eyes to see the bigger picture of eternal beauties – even for the most logical and left-brained of them!

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