Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leadership Summit 2010

I believe that if you want to influence the culture you have to reach the leaders.

One of the most important topics we can address at Georgia Tech is leadership. Georgia Tech students are bred to be leaders, but they are given little reason and vision for leadership. They have the abilities. Most lack the clarity that comes from knowing Christ. They have the drive. Most lack the boldness to pursue their calling with both high integrity and high excellence.

Leadership Summit was event designed to energize our minsitry with a vision to reach and build leaders. Our guest speaker for the Leadership Summit was Mr. Steve Zelnak. He is a devoted GT alum who is involved in major leadership roles in the College of Management and the Athletic Department. He is also a veteran CEO who determined early on to pursue his career with extreme committment to intergrity and excellence. The results of his career speak for themself but it was fantastic to have Steve share his perspecitve with the students.

Before the event on campus we hosted Steve Zelnak, a few friends and supporters from the community, and our student leaders for dinner at our house. Pictured L-R, Trent McEntyre, Steve Zelnak, Carol Skenes (Graduation Senior in College of Mgt), Darren McKenna, Matt George, Anna Oneil, and looking the other way, Darr Smith)

This table included student leader Aaron Parkman, Heather Phillips (returned from Crusade Stint in Italy), Andy Sellman, Madeline Phillips, and Mr. Drew Johnson (distinguished GT Campus Crusade alum)
Leadership Summit was a success because the Lord used it to move us a step closer to our vision of reaching and building world class leaders for the kingdom of Christ at Georgia Tech.

The next event we have on the docket for Crossroads is called "Beast Feast." We are going from high performance business topics to a down home men's gathering with lots of grilled and smoked meats and hopefully a good turnout of fraternity leaders. We will keep you posted on the developments

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