Monday, August 30, 2010

First Week

The first week of Fall Semester 2010 is almost in the books.


1. WOEP '10 - GT style acronym for Week Of Extraordinary Prayer. Students organized a 24/7 prayer chain for GT and our minstry for the week before school started. The GT Crossroads staff team joined in the effort and spent a lot more time than we usually do praying together for God to loved and enjoyed at Georgia Tech this year like never before!

2. Sunday - Leaders Ice Cream and Prayer at the McEntyre home - It was so fun to have most of our returning student leaders over to our home the Sunday before school started. Students chatted about their summers. We shared our burden this year for prayer and to be faithful in reaching out to our campus this year.

3. Monday Wednesday Freshman Welcome and networking - it is always fun to meet the new GT students. I have met students from Ohio, California, and Cumming, GA to name a few.

4. Thursday New GT Alumni Support - I (Trent) had the pleasure of meeting again this week with one of our distinguished alumni, Steve Zelnak. I met Steve a couple of years ago when I was asked to give a brief presentation to the alumni foundation board meeting. He is very involved in GT and encouraged us by offering to speak at our weekly meeting on Sept. 23rd. Come out and join us that night for a great talk on leadership.

5. Thursday pm First Crossroads weekly meeting - Thursday nights we gather for worship, teaching, and fellowship. We had a nice turnout of new and returning students despite meeting having just rained. We introduced GT to cookie dough pancakes. Student leaders, Isaac and Matt, manned the griddles and I dropped generous amounts of toll house cookie dough into the pancakes. The combo is rich, piping hot, and not good for you.

I spoke last night on John 13:1-17. It is the upper room scene when Jesus washes the disciples feet. The first things I noticed about this passage was how amazing a demonstration of servant leadership this is. Jesus the creator and sustainer of the universe, the Lord of all, stooping to the role of foot washer. Then I started to think about what is signified in the act of washing. Long story short, just before I was to give the first week message I realized that Jesus's washing his disciples feet was a radical pointer to what he was about to do. He was about to lay down his life for his friends so that they could be washed of the guilt of their sins and restored to a real relationship with God.

Trent McEntyre with his daughter Samantha
6. Sat Scavenger Hunt and Cookout - Saturday afternoon our staff member Greg and a great student named Palmer set up a fun photo scavenger hunt and cookout on campus. One of the scavenger hunt teams "randomly" asked a former mission team member of mine to snap a shot of their team in a pyramid in Centennial Park. My olderst daughter Samantha was part of the fun. She continues to convince us that she will be a Georgia Tech student herself one day.

Becca Gartrell and some of the Crossroads student women leaders

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